The Conn Cornet Page

This page contains information relevant to Conn Cornets. These are the Conn model numbers ending with the letter "A".

Index of pages
The Full Cornet Model List
This is my attempt at a complete Conn cornet model numbers index, including the missing first page and some corrections to the other pages. In spite of the name, I have no doubt there are ommisions and errors.

What do the Cornets look like?
Although the Conn model number index is very interesting, it doesn't show you what the instruments look like. In the pages behind this link I try to provide as complete a list as possible of pictures of the Conn cornets in the Conn model number index.

Also on this site
Improved Conn cornet and trumpet recognition guide
An attempt at an improved version of the recognition guide.

Conn cornet recognition guide
The original recognition guide

Conn Brass Serial Numbers
Serial number lists for Conn Brass instruments.

Pan American Brass Serial Numbers
Serial number lists for Pan American Brass instruments.

The short and long of cornet mouthpieces
A discussion of short shank and long shank cornet mouthpieces and what happens when you use a long shank mouthpiece in a short shank receiver.

1900's - 1940's Conn cornet and trumpet bore size descriptions
Before World War 2 Conn used "small", "medium" and "large" to describe bore sizes. Here is a translation into more familiar numerical terms.

Comparative quality of Conn instruments
From time to time I am asked whether a model is a professional or student model. Here is the answer.

Cleaning your trumpet or cornet
An explanation of a way to clean your instrument.

"How to Care For Your Instrument": Original Conn publication August 1942
A Conn publication from WW2 on how to care for your instrument when spare parts are unavailable.

"Proper Care of Your Conn Instrument": Original 1958 Conn brochure
The complete text of an original brochure Conn included with its instruments.

The Coprion Bell
An article on the how and why of the Coprion bell.

The post-Elkhart years
Model number lists from the post-Elkhart years.

Some Links relevant to Cornets
Conn serial number list by Lars Kirmser